Dust Collection

1. Ambient Dust CollectorsAirflow Systems Model T-140 units capturing ambient dust particles

2. Weld Smoke CollectionAirflow Systems Model DC-4 collecting weld smoke/fumes at vocational technical school

3. Titanium Dust CollectionFilter-1 Hydrotron Model HPB collecting titanium dust

4. Tacky Dust CollectionFilter-1 Dustron Booth collecting ambient tacky dust particles

5. Dust In Test LabFilter-1 Dustron systems capturing fugitive dust within test lab

6. School Wood Dust CollectionSternvent cyclone dust collector collecting wood dust at vocational technical school

7. Custom Dust BoothIndustrial Maid custom dust control booth

8. Fugitive Wood Dust CollectionAirflow Systems Model T-140-WA unit capturing fugitive wood dust

9. Custom Canopy HoodsA.C.T. Model ACT 4-16 capturing fugitive dust from custom overhead canopy hoods

10. Cork Dust CollectionAirex Industries Model DCCH collecting cork dust

11. Arm Saw Dust CollectionAirex Industries Model SCS collecting wood dust from radial arm saw

12. Airex Wood Dust CollectionAirex Industries Model SCS capturing wood dust

13. Graphite Dust CollectionAirflow Systems DC-6 (six-cartridge) dust collector extracting graphite dust at a machining facility.

14. Collecting Dust from Grinding of Metal, Filler, and Auto PaintAirflow Systems model F70-R free-hanging air cleaner capturing fugitive dust within an auto body repair shop in a vocational technical school.

15. Wood Dust CollectionClean Air America DC-12 (twelve-cartridge) collector removing wood dust from a carpentry shop.

16. Wood Dust CollectionDuct work system constructed of KB Ducting for removal of dust from a woodworking facility.

17. Steel Dust CollectionDowndraft table collecting steel dust from a grinding operation.

18. Wood Dust CollectionFilter-1 Cyclotron high-efficiency cyclone separator (with safety afterfilters) for collecting wood dust.

19. Titanium Dust CollectionFilter-1 Hydrotron wet-type dust collector used for safe collection of titanium dust from a grinding operation.

20. Wood Dust CollectionSternvent Vibraclean shaker-style dust collector removes wood dust from a carpentry shop at a vocational technical school.

21. Odor / Fume CollectionAirflow Systems F-240 vertical air cleaner is ducted to hooding for removal of odors from a printing operation.

22. Steel Dust CollectionSternvent CYD2005 cyclone dust collector is used for collecting steel dust generated from an abrasive cut-off saw operation.

23. Wood Dust CollectionSternvent Vibraclean DKPD 36007-2 shaker-style dust collector captures dust from the wood shop at vocational school.

24. Wood Dust CollectionSternvent Vibraclean DKPD 48010-2 shaker-style dust collector collects woodworking dust.

25. Wood Dust CollectionAirflow Systems F70-R air cleaner collecting dust from the woodworking shop at a vocational school.

26. Smoke CollectionAirflow Systems F-120-AD free-hanging air cleaners are arranged to provide whole room air exchange and filtration, collecting oven/furnace smoke.

27. Weld Smoke ExtractionAirflow Systems DC-12 (twelve-cartridge) dust collector is used for collecting weld smoke at a metal fabrication facility.

28. Wood Dust CollectionAirflow Systems DC-4-20GAL cartridge dust collector filters wood dust from a sanding / finishing operation.

29. Welding / Grinding Downdraft TableAirflow Systems DTH1700 portable downdraft table captures smoke and dust from welding and grinding operations.

30. Fiberglass Dust CollectionAirflow Systems F70-R free-hanging air cleaner filters fiberglass dust from an auto body repair shop.

31. Wood Dust CollectionAirflow Systems T140 air cleaner is wall-mounted to collect dust from the carpentry shop at a vocational school.

32. Steel Dust CollectionClean Air America DC12 cartridge dust collector for steel dust generated from grinding and finishing operations.

33. Cement Dust Collection #1Airflow Systems dust control booth DCB-2 collects cement dust from grinding / finishing operation.

34. Cement Dust Collection #2Airflow Systems DCB-2 dust control booth: Close-up of the operation within the booth shows the difference when dust collection system is removing the dust (system is off in top photo and on in bottom).

35. Wood Dust CollectionFilter-1 Bagtron baghouse dust collector removes wood dust from a cabinet shop.

36. Titanium Dust CollectionFilter-1 Hydrotron wet collector double (back-to-back) downdraft table is used for safely collecting titanium dust from grinding processes.

37. Graphite Dust CollectionFilter-1 Pulsatron PFV-12 (twelve-cartridge) dust collector removes graphite dust generated in cutting and finishing operations.

38. Steel Dust CollectionFilter-1 Pulsatron PF-6 (six-cartridge) dust collector removes steel dust from a machining operation.

39. Wood Dust CollectionFree-hanging Industrial Maid 2500 industrial air cleaners provide whole-room filtration, cleaning the air in the woodworking shop at a vocational school.

40. Aluminum Dust CollectionPolaris cyclone dust collector collects aluminum dust generated in cutting operation.

41. Wood Dust CollectionSternvent cyclone dust collector with afterfilters removes even the sub-micron particles of wood dust from a vocational school shop.

42. Wood Dust CollectionSternvent cyclone dust collector removes wood dust from a display products manufacturing facility.

43. Wood Dust CollectionSternvent CYD 3015 cyclone separator collects dust from a woodworking shop in a vocational school.

44. Cement Dust CollectionSternvent DGH203 shaker-style dust collector removes cement / stucco dust generated in cutting / grinding operations.

45. Wood Dust CollectionSternvent DGH305 shaker-style dust collector removes wood dust from a maintenance shop.

46. Wood Dust CollectionSternvent Vibraclean DKPD36007-2 shaker-style dust collector removes dust from woodworking operations at a vocational school.

47. Wood Dust CollectionSternvent Vibraclean shaker-style dust collector collects wood dust from a vocational school shop.

48. Wood Dust CollectionCustom-painted Sternvent Vibraclean shaker-style collector collects dust from woodworking operations at a vocational school.

49. Wood Dust CollectionAirflow Systems PowerBooth backdraft dust collection module collects dust and chips from operation of a CNC router.

50. Cement Dust CollectionAirflow Systems DCB-1 dust control booth contains and collects dust from grinding operations.

51. Blasting Dust CollectionAirflow Systems cartridge collector model DC-1 collects dust from a blasting cabinet.

52. Steel Dust CollectionAirflow Systems downdraft table DT 3000 is used for the collection of steel grinding dust.

53. Metal Dust CollectionFilter-1 Hydrotron wet-type dust collection booth provides safe control of metal dust.

54. Steel Dust CollectionFilter-1 Dustron dust control booth collects steel grinding dust.

55. Wood Dust CollectionFilter-1 Bagtron baghouse dust collector removes wood dust from a production woodworking operation.

56. Wood Dust CollectionSternvent Vibraclean shaker-style dust collector removes wood dust from a high school.

57. Wood Dust CollectionSternvent Vibraclean shaker-style dust collector removes wood dust from a high school.

58. Wood Dust CollectionSternvent Cyclone dust collector model CYM 3015 collects wood dust from a production woodworking facility.

59. Wood Dust CollectionSternvent cyclone separator collects wood dust from a vocational technical school.

60. Wood Dust CollectionSternvent cyclone dust collector model CY 3015 collects wood dust at a production woodworking facility.

61. Wood Dust CollectionSternvent Cyclone dust collector removes wood dust from a maintenance facility wood shop.

62. Steel Dust CollectorAirflow Systems DC-8 collecting steel dust.